Grupa Producentów Warzyw Agro-Centrum Charsznica Sp. z o. o.


ul. Żarnowiecka 18

32-250 Charsznica

Pon - Pt 8.00 - 16.00

Dostawy 8.00 - 20.00


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Pakowanie warzyw

Dysponujemi kompletnymi liniami do pakowania warzyw. Możemy zapakować w opakowania jednostkowe od 0,5 kg na maszynie poziomej typu FlowPack, pionowej w torebki typu CarryBag lub worki raszlowe od 10 do 25 kg. Posiadamy własną sklejarke do kartonów. Pakujemy i metkujemy warzywa również ręcznie wg wcześniej uzgodnionego zamówienia.

Identyfikacja towaru

Wszystkie nasze produkty są kontrolowane i identyfikowalne począwszy od nasion czy sadzonek poprzez przyjęcie towaru, drogę w magazynie, konfekcjonowanie aż po wysyłkę. Każdy produkt opuszczający nasz zakład posiada swój unikalny nr partii po którym jesteśmy w stanie zidentyfikować kiedy był zapakowany, przyjęty, przez kogo wyprodukowany i kiedy.

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Whether you are moving into a new home, or updating the grounds of the home you already live in, landscaping can dramatically change the look of your house and property. You may like a neatly trimmed lawn or prefer a wild and overgrown look, you may live in an arid climate and need to xeriscape, or you may like finely manicured rosebushes.The cost of landscaping varies greatly but most homeowners report spend- ing between $1,586 and $5,017. Before you call the pros, though, here are a few things to think about that will affect your individual land- scaping project's cost that may have you spending more or less than the average.

How large is your property?

The single largest factor in the cost of your new landscaping installation is the size of your property. If your house sits on a huge lot, and you're not sure if you can afford to landscape the entire area, talk to your professional landscaper about the possibility of landscaping it in sections. Xeriscaping is a style of landscaping that utilizes plants, shrubs, ground covers and rocks that need very little water to thrive. The cost of installing a xeriscaped yard is often more than simply planting grass and flowers. However, once established the maintenance and water costs are kept low by design. A professional landscaper and gardener will be able to tell you the best approach for this. For example, if there are plants that take a longer time to come to maturity you may be able to plant them first and when they are reaching their peak landscape

Do you want a lawn?

Lawns are not expensive to plant. Enough grass seed to cover your property is far less expensive than exotic plants or other features. however, lawns need careful maintenance, and plenty of water, especially at the beginning to get them established. So you may feel a lawn is a simple and affordable way to go, but it may take more money in the long run in terms of water, time and labor

Water and Irrigation

Don't spend time and money on beautiful landscaping if you have not taken water and irrigation issues into account first. Installing a sprinkler system, leveling the ground to avoid run off, and planning which plants, shrubs or flowers will get more and less water are all precautions that may take more time and money in the short term but will benefit you in the long run. You want to give your lawns and gardens the best chance to thrive

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Whether you are moving into a new home, or updating the grounds of the home you already live in, landscaping can dramatically change the look of your house and property. You may like a neatly trimmed lawn or prefer a wild and overgrown look, you may live in an arid climate and need to xeriscape, or you may like finely manicured rosebushes.The cost of landscaping varies greatly but most homeowners report spend- ing between $1,586 and $5,017. Before you call the pros, though, here are a few things to think about that will affect your individual land- scaping project's cost that may have you spending more or less than the average.

How large is your property?

The single largest factor in the cost of your new landscaping installation is the size of your property. If your house sits on a huge lot, and you're not sure if you can afford to landscape the entire area, talk to your professional landscaper about the possibility of landscaping it in sections. Xeriscaping is a style of landscaping that utilizes plants, shrubs, ground covers and rocks that need very little water to thrive. The cost of installing a xeriscaped yard is often more than simply planting grass and flowers. However, once established the maintenance and water costs are kept low by design. A professional landscaper and gardener will be able to tell you the best approach for this. For example, if there are plants that take a longer time to come to maturity you may be able to plant them first and when they are reaching their peak landscape

Do you want a drainage?

Lawns are not expensive to plant. Enough grass seed to cover your property is far less expensive than exotic plants or other features. however, lawns need careful maintenance, and plenty of water, especially at the beginning to get them established. So you may feel a lawn is a simple and affordable way to go, but it may take more money in the long run in terms of water, time and labor

Water and Irrigation

Don't spend time and money on beautiful landscaping if you have not taken water and irrigation issues into account first. Installing a sprinkler system, leveling the ground to avoid run off, and planning which plants, shrubs or flowers will get more and less water are all precautions that may take more time and money in the short term but will benefit you in the long run. You want to give your lawns and gardens the best chance to thrive

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Whether you are moving into a new home, or updating the grounds of the home you already live in, landscaping can dramatically change the look of your house and property. You may like a neatly trimmed lawn or prefer a wild and overgrown look, you may live in an arid climate and need to xeriscape, or you may like finely manicured rosebushes.The cost of landscaping varies greatly but most homeowners report spend- ing between $1,586 and $5,017. Before you call the pros, though, here are a few things to think about that will affect your individual land- scaping project's cost that may have you spending more or less than the average.

How large is your property?

The single largest factor in the cost of your new landscaping installation is the size of your property. If your house sits on a huge lot, and you're not sure if you can afford to landscape the entire area, talk to your professional landscaper about the possibility of landscaping it in sections. Xeriscaping is a style of landscaping that utilizes plants, shrubs, ground covers and rocks that need very little water to thrive. The cost of installing a xeriscaped yard is often more than simply planting grass and flowers. However, once established the maintenance and water costs are kept low by design. A professional landscaper and gardener will be able to tell you the best approach for this. For example, if there are plants that take a longer time to come to maturity you may be able to plant them first and when they are reaching their peak landscape

Do you want a snow?

Lawns are not expensive to plant. Enough grass seed to cover your property is far less expensive than exotic plants or other features. however, lawns need careful maintenance, and plenty of water, especially at the beginning to get them established. So you may feel a lawn is a simple and affordable way to go, but it may take more money in the long run in terms of water, time and labor

Water and Irrigation

Don't spend time and money on beautiful landscaping if you have not taken water and irrigation issues into account first. Installing a sprinkler system, leveling the ground to avoid run off, and planning which plants, shrubs or flowers will get more and less water are all precautions that may take more time and money in the short term but will benefit you in the long run. You want to give your lawns and gardens the best chance to thrive

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Whether you are moving into a new home, or updating the grounds of the home you already live in, landscaping can dramatically change the look of your house and property. You may like a neatly trimmed lawn or prefer a wild and overgrown look, you may live in an arid climate and need to xeriscape, or you may like finely manicured rosebushes.The cost of landscaping varies greatly but most homeowners report spend- ing between $1,586 and $5,017. Before you call the pros, though, here are a few things to think about that will affect your individual land- scaping project's cost that may have you spending more or less than the average.

How large is your property?

The single largest factor in the cost of your new landscaping installation is the size of your property. If your house sits on a huge lot, and you're not sure if you can afford to landscape the entire area, talk to your professional landscaper about the possibility of landscaping it in sections. Xeriscaping is a style of landscaping that utilizes plants, shrubs, ground covers and rocks that need very little water to thrive. The cost of installing a xeriscaped yard is often more than simply planting grass and flowers. However, once established the maintenance and water costs are kept low by design. A professional landscaper and gardener will be able to tell you the best approach for this. For example, if there are plants that take a longer time to come to maturity you may be able to plant them first and when they are reaching their peak landscape

Do you want a spring?

Lawns are not expensive to plant. Enough grass seed to cover your property is far less expensive than exotic plants or other features. however, lawns need careful maintenance, and plenty of water, especially at the beginning to get them established. So you may feel a lawn is a simple and affordable way to go, but it may take more money in the long run in terms of water, time and labor

Water and Irrigation

Don't spend time and money on beautiful landscaping if you have not taken water and irrigation issues into account first. Installing a sprinkler system, leveling the ground to avoid run off, and planning which plants, shrubs or flowers will get more and less water are all precautions that may take more time and money in the short term but will benefit you in the long run. You want to give your lawns and gardens the best chance to thrive

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Whether you are moving into a new home, or updating the grounds of the home you already live in, landscaping can dramatically change the look of your house and property. You may like a neatly trimmed lawn or prefer a wild and overgrown look, you may live in an arid climate and need to xeriscape, or you may like finely manicured rosebushes.The cost of landscaping varies greatly but most homeowners report spend- ing between $1,586 and $5,017. Before you call the pros, though, here are a few things to think about that will affect your individual land- scaping project's cost that may have you spending more or less than the average.

How large is your property?

The single largest factor in the cost of your new landscaping installation is the size of your property. If your house sits on a huge lot, and you're not sure if you can afford to landscape the entire area, talk to your professional landscaper about the possibility of landscaping it in sections. Xeriscaping is a style of landscaping that utilizes plants, shrubs, ground covers and rocks that need very little water to thrive. The cost of installing a xeriscaped yard is often more than simply planting grass and flowers. However, once established the maintenance and water costs are kept low by design. A professional landscaper and gardener will be able to tell you the best approach for this. For example, if there are plants that take a longer time to come to maturity you may be able to plant them first and when they are reaching their peak landscape

Do you want a stone?

Lawns are not expensive to plant. Enough grass seed to cover your property is far less expensive than exotic plants or other features. however, lawns need careful maintenance, and plenty of water, especially at the beginning to get them established. So you may feel a lawn is a simple and affordable way to go, but it may take more money in the long run in terms of water, time and labor

Water and Irrigation

Don't spend time and money on beautiful landscaping if you have not taken water and irrigation issues into account first. Installing a sprinkler system, leveling the ground to avoid run off, and planning which plants, shrubs or flowers will get more and less water are all precautions that may take more time and money in the short term but will benefit you in the long run. You want to give your lawns and gardens the best chance to thrive


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Przygotowanie warzyw do sprzedaży

Pakujemy ważywa luzem w skrzyniopalety drewniane lub metalowe do transportu. Warzywa mogą być obrane, umyte, wyszczotkowane lub prosto z pola.

Możemy zapakować warzywa na życzenie w worki raszlowe w różnych kolorach od 10 do 25 kg, ułożone na palecie.

Na życzenie pakujemy warzywa na poziomej maszynie pakującej typu FlowPack w opakowania jednostkowe od 0,5 kg lub na sztuki.

Pakujemy również warzywa do torebek typu carry bag lub podobnych na nowoczesnej pionowej maszynie pakującej w opakowania jednostkowe od 0,5 kg.

Możemy również ręcznie ometkować poszczególne warzywa na sztuki wg wcześniej uzgodnionego zamówienia.

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